BASIC CRAKERS (I make mine very thin like chips/crisps. When the mood hits, I thicken it up! Sometimes so thick that I could use as a dehydrated bread!)
2 1/2 c Filtered Water
1 1/2 c Golden Flaxseed, grounded
1 c Nuts/Seeds of your choice, soaked 2-4 hours - depending on what kind of nuts, except almonds which I don't include in my recipes for my own personal reasons - (drain & rinse with fresh water after soaking)
1/2 c Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tbps Himalayan Sea Salt
1/2 tbps Cumin
Combine nuts/seeds, water, olive oil, salt & cumin in high-power blender. Mix throroughly and transfer to bowl. Stir in flaxseed slowly. Scoop about 1 cup of mixture onto Teflex (non-stick sheet for dehydrator) on each of 3 to 4 dehydrator trays and spread out to all corners evenly. Score cracker mixture using a spatula. Dehydrate at 115 degree for 6-8 hours (overnight) then flip the sheet over, peel off the sheet from the crackers and continue to dehydrate until desired crispness is obtained. Store in the refrigerator and consume within 2 weeks.
To JAZZ it up, to SPAZZ it up, and to shake up your soul...
Add blended toms (short for tomatoes), red bell peppers, summer squash, diakon, greens, and/or MORE! Add basil, parsley, cilantro, dill, paprika, oregano... Oh!! My favorite... CAYENNE!!! Oh me, oh my! The spice! The FIRE! The passion! Can you feel it?! ooohhhhhhhhhhhh!