About Me

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Are you serious? My life, itself, is a book! How can I begin to tell you about myself? From the day you start reading my blog is the day you can start following my steps... We shall see if you can keep up! Or, we shall see if I can actually keep up!~

Dec 13, 2010

Basic Craks Recipe~

Many of you asked what is the basic raw-vegan craks (I call them craks instead of crackers... Just like when I make nut/seed/coco -short for coconut - mylk, I call it mylk instead of milk... I'm sure you catch my drift! *grins*) recipe. Once you have this recipe squared away, you can let your creative juices flow away and storm up ideas to throw in different, snazzy flavors to jazz it up! 

BASIC CRAKERS (I make mine very thin like chips/crisps. When the mood hits, I thicken it up! Sometimes so thick that I could use as a dehydrated bread!)
2 1/2    c        Filtered Water
1 1/2    c        Golden Flaxseed, grounded
1         c        Nuts/Seeds of your choice, soaked 2-4 hours - depending on what kind of nuts, except almonds which I don't include in my recipes for my own personal reasons - (drain & rinse with fresh water after soaking)
1/2      c        Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1         tbps    Himalayan Sea Salt
1/2      tbps    Cumin
Combine nuts/seeds, water, olive oil, salt & cumin in high-power blender. Mix throroughly and transfer to bowl. Stir in flaxseed slowly. Scoop about 1 cup of mixture onto Teflex (non-stick sheet for dehydrator) on each of 3 to 4 dehydrator trays and spread out to all corners evenly. Score cracker mixture using a spatula. Dehydrate at 115 degree for 6-8 hours (overnight) then flip the sheet over, peel off the sheet from the crackers and continue to dehydrate until desired crispness is obtained. Store in the refrigerator and consume within 2 weeks. 

To JAZZ it up, to SPAZZ it up, and to shake up your soul...
Add blended toms (short for tomatoes), red bell peppers, summer squash, diakon, greens, and/or MORE! Add basil, parsley, cilantro, dill, paprika, oregano... Oh!! My favorite... CAYENNE!!! Oh me, oh my! The spice! The FIRE! The passion! Can you feel it?! ooohhhhhhhhhhhh!

Dec 6, 2010

*Knocking my Pretty Skull*~

Seriously... What is wrong with me?! I could never keep my word about posting on a daily basis! I can tell you this... that this does ring so very true.. that I do lead a very fulfilling, fun-filled life! I can't seem to get my tiny, pretty arse to sit in front of this screen and click-clack the keys away!

I recently posted this status on my FB and I love it! (It was posted yesterday)

Alynn Davis loves how words can crawl into our mouths and be blurted out! Sometimes words are not enough. Sometimes actions are not enough. Are you enough with yourself? In other words... Are you contented and at ease with yourself? Alynn knows she is!~

Hmm... Off the point here... I did say that I would... actually... I said that MAYBE I will post up a recipe and with a kind heart, I have decided to post one today. It is for those who already or aim to purchase an Excalibur Dehydrator -

Quinoa-Sesame Crackers
I don't consume quinoa myself, even if it is raw and sprouted, but I made this and it has been raved upon! You GOTTA give this a whirl and try!

Servings:  makes about 3-4 dozen
Feel free to experiment with the flavours. Also, this makes a lot of crackers; If you're not sure you'll like them, it's easy to halve or quarter the recipe.


- 1 cup quinoa seeds, sprouted* (that's one measured cup before sprouting. After sprouting you might end up with 2 or even 3 cups worth)
- 1 cup water
- 3-4 generous Tbs tahini (i.e. about as much as you can get onto your tablespoon!)
- 1 cup ground flax seeds
- 1 cup of sesame seeds - Yep!! LOTS OF IT!
- any flavouring you like: Coconut Amino's, Bragg's, fresh herbs, garlic/hing

*Quinoa is one of the easier seeds to sprout - it doesn't take too long & I've never yet had a batch spoil on me. Rinse the quinoa seeds well, then leave to soak 2 hours in plenty of water. Rinse well again, then place in a sprouting jar or tray, and sprout for 12 hours - rinse them well again about half way through this time. (Quinoa is coated in bitter saponins, & you need to make sure these are thoroughly washed off.) As long as they're completely dry, the sprouts should keep for up to two weeks in your fridge.

Place the quinoa sprouts, water and tahini, plus any liquid flavourings like amino's, in a powerful food processor or blender, and process until the quinoa is mostly broken down. If you're adding anything like fresh herbs, you might want to add these in next, & pulse briefly to break them down a little. If you're not using Amino's or Bragg's, you might also want to add a little salt to the mix.

Tip this mix into a bowl, & stir in the ground flax seeds, and any flavourings you haven't added yet. Then add lots of sesame seeds - I often almost double the volume with the amount of seeds I add. Amino  flavoured ones taste great with black sesame seeds added!

Once they're dried though, they taste great, so don't let it put you off. :)  Place a heaping spoonful of the mixture onto a teflex sheet on your dehydrator tray, & spread it out using the back of the spoon into a round 1/2 cm thick. (You could try making them thinner, but the mix is so sticky, I can never be bothered to fight it to get it thinner than this.) This is easier if you use two spoons - one to scoop, the other to scrape the mix off the first spoon.

Dehydrate your crackers at 115 degrees until the top is dry, then flip them over onto the trays & remove the teflex. Continue dehydrating until they're completely dried out, & store in an airtight container.


Property of Alynn Davis~
Please ask for permission to share (it may be in the book!)~

Nov 17, 2010

To be Free and Be FREE~

I had to post this up... Thanks to Angel, she inspired me to say this... as I somewhat twisted her words into mine~
I am young. I am a child, but I am able to smile and shine a radiant glow from the inside out and the outside in. That is what makes me FREE!~

No matter what the circumstances may be, I always try to rise above it, stay positive, and go with the flow of life. Live life and life free! Times may have been tough and tribulations, trials, upheavals may be present but one has a choice. A choice to either ACCEPT, LEARN, and GROW or resist, repeat the cycles and continue to struggle. I have learned this eons ago that the best way to get through life is to choose the former, not the latter.

I felt free and I still do! I will blossom and I'm blooming! Bring on the sun, the rain, the wind! Feed me, nourish me, inspire me! How I open wide!

I am going to continue to be ME!!

A gift was given to me... MY LIFE and it is my life to SOAR!~

Nov 9, 2010

Do we really and ... Why age?

Oh, how I love to flirt with the beauty of all things, including myself!

I was sent this article from a dear friend about how we age, how we transform and how we move forward. Read below and I would love to hear of your thoughts, opinions, and feelings...
Just the other day I was speaking to a friend about who we really were i.e. what defines ‘us’, what is real about ‘us’, what makes ‘us’ us… And after we’d finished discussing The Grand Delusion Of Self, he decided that it was our body that defined us.

So came into question the time period with which our cells replenish and replace themselves. I had no idea about the exact facts or figures, but I had heard that every cell in the body replaces itself at least once every seven years. But… As hearsay is nothing more than scuttlebutt at the best of times, I decided to research this topic further. And thus I came across the following article in the New Scientist which decidedly covers the issue with a thoroughness that left me without any doubt that… Even though our bodies appear to be a solid structure of form and function that remain true, albeit age, for the rest of our life, they are certainly not as defining an aspect of ourselves as some of us would like think!? Why? Well… Even though I’ve been alive for 33 years here on Earth, my body is – on average – only 15 years old.

When we are presented with such undefinable aspects about the notion of our “self,” doesn’t it seem that we are sometimes overly prone to worrying about something which really not not exist? I mean, fair enough we have a need to survive and avoid certain death, for we are carrying the torch of Life for future generations; as an olympian carries the flame from mount Olympus to start the games with. But to obsess about ourselves; to worry about ourselves beyond reason… Well isn’t it missing the point of Life? Aren’t we really worrying about nothing? After all, we are nothing more than a collection of schemas/memes – ideas that originate from other people – that loosely add onto this framework of a body via the brain’s structure and ability; a body which is built from the star dust of ancient suns long extinguished, working on principles of chaos, weaving unpredictability into modes of ‘apparent’ understanding… An understanding that modifies itself all the time – via our constant study – into ever cosier comprehensions about the nature of reality and the beauty that guides it.

I mean, isn’t this uncertainty simply wonderful? For the first time it truly frees us from the confines of our own predefined humanity. It allows us to see that even WE – the predesignated arrangement of atoms that makes up our body, giving us substance in this world – are an uncertainty. I know this experience we are having seems pretty real i.e. I am really aware of the keyboard as my fingers type these words out on the keys in patterns of “QWERTY” order, and I can even interrelate these present experiences with past ones, and even calculate with a fairly accurate estimation about the chances of what might happen in the immediate future if I was to perform certain actions – like what would happen if I was to drive my bike at twenty miles per hour into the lake in the park… I’d go “SPLOSH!” and get rather wet, while ducks quack and fly off in many directions. BUT… Despite these amazing feats of organic supercomputing, our bodies and our memories are ever changing and ever shifting like the dunes of a desert. We’re just not really aware of them changing…

Perhaps this is something we should all bear in mind… That, while we might feel solid and certain at many points in our lives, ‘WE’ really are as fickle as the dunes of the Sahara. As Nisargadatta Maharaj once said, “When you have seen the dream as a dream, you have done all that needs to be done.”

Here’s a question: how old are you? Think carefully before you reply. It’s a lot trickier than you might imagine. The correct answer, it turns out, is about 15 and a half. According to recent research, that’s the average age of your body – your muscles and guts, anyway. You might think that you have been around since the day you were born, but most of your body is a lot younger.

That may come as no surprise. It’s a common belief that the human body completely renews itself every seven years, and though biologists would hesitate to put a firm figure on it most are happy to accept that cells eventually wear out and are replaced. In some tissues – skin and blood – we know how long it takes, for example from seeing how long transfused blood cells last. Surprisingly, however, we have no idea how often most cell types are replaced, if indeed they are replaced at all. Until a few months ago it was impossible to tell. Experiments on mice had hinted that some cells are replaced more often than others, but no one was sure how relevant the findings were to humans.
Now neurologist Jonas Frisén of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, has invented an ingenious technique for determining the age of adult cells. He and others are using the technique to answer questions that have intrigued scientists and laypeople for decades: does cell turnover mean that you eventually renew your entire body? If so, how many bodies do you go through in a lifetime? If you live to a ripe old age, is there anything left of the original “you”? There’s more to it than curiosity value, though. The rate of cell turnover is a hot question in neuroscience and regenerative medicine, and may provide the key to treating numerous diseases and managing the effects of ageing.
 Questions about the rates of cell renewal first arose about 100 years ago, when scientists discovered that most of our neurons are formed during fetal development and persist for life. Ever since, people have been wondering if the brain’s cerebral cortex – the seat of executive functions such as attention and decision-making – ever makes new cells. In the 1960s neurologists discovered that rodents and cats may make new neurons. Then in 1999 a study in Science caused great excitement with the claim that new growth had been found in the cerebral cortex of monkeys. Despite numerous attempts, however, the results have never been repeated.
Information about the lifespan of cells has historically come from experiments on rats and mice. The method involves giving the animals radioactive nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA, either in their food or by injection. The assumption is that if cell turnover is going on, new cells will incorporate labelled nucleotides into their DNA. Post-mortem tests can later reveal how much tagged DNA there is in various tissues and hence what proportion of cells were born during the animal’s exposure to the nucleotides. These experiments undoubtedly tell us about cell turnover rates in rodents but it is unclear whether the results can be extrapolated to humans. Because humans live for decades rather than months, we might have a greater need to replace our cells.
 Feeding radioactive genetic material to humans, however, is clearly not on. Some researchers have attempted to date cells by other means such as measuring the lengths of telomeres, the DNA stubs on the end of chromosomes that shorten each time a cell divides. But no one has ever been able to develop a reliable method for reading age from telomere length. What’s worse, says Frisén, “some cells, such as stem cells, appear to be able to lengthen their telomeres, which would be a problem when trying to assess the cell’s age, especially in the brain”.
Frustrated with the lack of progress, Frisén decided there had to be another way. “My train of thought ran to the ancient Egyptian papyrus scrolls, which were carbon-dated, and I wondered if there was a way we could use that,” he says.
 Carbon dating relies on measuring the amount of carbon-14 in a sample of organic matter. Carbon-14, a rare and weakly radioactive isotope of carbon, is continually produced in the atmosphere when neutrons generated by cosmic rays smash into nitrogen nuclei, stripping out a proton. Carbon-14 eventually decays back to nitrogen, with a half-life of 5730 years. But before it decays, carbon-14 can be taken up by plants during photosynthesis and converted into sugars. Animals eat the plants, and in this way all living things contain small amounts of carbon-14 – about 1 in a trillion carbon atoms in your body are carbon-14 rather than carbon-12. At death, however, the organism stops taking in carbon-14, and what it already contains eventually decays away.
That slow decay is what makes carbon dating of archaeological samples possible. By measuring the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in something that was once alive you can estimate when it died – up to 60,000 years ago, after which carbon-14 levels have fallen too much to be useful.
Slow decay, however, also makes the method fairly imprecise. An archaeological radiocarbon date is accurate only to between 30 and 100 years, depending on the age of the sample – fine for ancient Egyptian artefacts but useless for dating cells in a human body.
 Frisén’s eureka moment arrived when he realised he could use carbon-14 in a different way thanks to a unique episode in recent history – the cold war arms race. Between 1955 and 1963, above-ground nuclear weapons tests loaded masses of carbon-14 into the atmosphere. At the peak of such tests in 1963, atmospheric levels of carbon-14 reached twice the normal background level (see Diagram below). This “bomb spike” was accurately recorded at locations all over the world, creating a unique window of opportunity that Frisén is now exploiting.

He reasoned that while most molecules in a cell are in a constant state of flux, DNA is very stable: when a cell is born it gets a set of chromosomes that stay with it throughout its life. Therefore the level of carbon-14 in a living cell’s DNA is directly proportional to the level in the atmosphere at the time it was born, minus a tiny amount lost to radioactive decay. Before 1955 that level was always roughly the same. But during the bomb spike, atmospheric levels rose and then fell again – and so did carbon-14 levels in cells’ DNA. What that meant, Frisén realised, is that he could take cells born after 1955, measure the proportion of carbon-14 in their DNA and then consult the bomb spike curve to obtain an estimate of their date of birth.
 If Frisén was right, for the first time scientists would be able to work out the average age of cells in different parts of the body and, he hoped, finally settle the question of whether the brain makes new nerve cells.
Before he could start, Frisén needed to know how long the window of opportunity was open for. Ever since the 1963 partial test ban treaty, carbon-14 in the atmosphere has been declining steadily, halving every 11 years as it is absorbed by the oceans and biosphere. Even so, Frisén found that any cell born between 1955 and 1990 would contain enough extra carbon-14 in its DNA to give a reliable date, give or take a year or so.
 Last year Frisén and his team reported preliminary tests on a few body tissues taken from cadavers of people who had been alive during the bomb spike (Cell, vol 122, p 133). They revealed for the first time how many different ages one human body can be.

The body’s front-line cells endure the roughest life, last the briefest time and are constantly replaced – these include the epithelial cells lining the gut (five days), the epidermal cells covering the skin’s surface (two weeks) and red blood cells (120 days).
 Cells Frisén analysed from the rib muscles of people in their late 30s had an average age of 15.1 years, a similar lifespan to cells making up the body of the gut, which he found were around 15.9 years old on average. It seems our bodies are indeed in a constant state of breakdown and renewal – even the entire skeleton is replaced every few years, he says.
Exciting though these forays into uncharted territory were, Frisén was eager to get on with his original quest, working out the age of the cells in the brain. “I am a neurologist and that is where my love lies,” he explains.
 “Of course I want to know how often our body cells are replaced – we will do it little by little, and I hope that experts in all those areas take on the research and help us. But I want to explore the areas of the brain and discover whether we generate new brain cells throughout our adult lives.”
The standard view from animal studies – and one man who agreed to have labelled nucleotides injected into his brain as he was dying from cancer – is that once the brain is formed, no new neurons are generated except in two areas: the hippocampus and a region around the ventricles.
Frisén first applied his new method to cells taken from the visual cortex. Here, as expected, the neurons turned out to be the same age as the person they came from – perhaps because they need to be wired up in a very stable way so that each time an object or colour is viewed it is perceived in the same way as before, he speculates. Cells in the cerebellum, which is involved in coordinating movement, turned out to be about 2.9 years younger on average than the person, which is consistent with the idea that this region continues to develop during infancy.
 “We’ve now mapped the rest of the cortex and are well on our way with the hippocampus,” says Frisén. “So far, it doesn’t look like there are any new cells being formed in the cortex – they’re as old as you are. But some regions of the hippocampus are exciting – absolutely there’s neurogenesis.”
Medical Breakthoughs
Frisén isn’t just motivated by curiosity. He hopes that by uncovering the secrets of cell turnover in the brain, he can help shed light on diseases including depression and Alzheimer’s. In 2004, a team led by Rene Hen at Columbia University in New York demonstrated that mice appeared to become depressed if hippocampal stem cells were not making enough new neurons, and that drugs such as Prozac work by stimulating neurogenesis: when the team inhibited neurogenesis, the antidepressants stopped working (Science, vol 301, p 805).
 Alzheimer’s, too, has been associated with a lack of neurogenesis in the hippocampus, and other brain disorders, including Parkinson’s, are linked to cell death not being balanced by adequate cell creation. Frisén’s group is now studying cell turnover in people with neurodegenerative diseases.
The brain is not the only organ where information on cell turnover may provide clues to treating disease. Knowing how frequently healthy people produce new fat cells, for example, could help treat obesity: at the moment nobody knows whether obesity is the result of having enlarged fat cells or a greater number of them. Similarly, understanding the normal turnover of liver cells – which animal studies suggest have a lifespan of 300 to 500 days – could help physicians spot abnormalities such as cancer. And understanding the cell turnover rates in the pancreas could eventually help us to manipulate the organ’s lifespan with a view to treating diabetes.
 There are other possibilities too. Experts believe heart muscle cells are not renewed when they die, leaving gaps that are filled with fibrotic material, resulting in a gradual loss of cardiac function as we get older. But no one knows for sure. Frisén’s group has just started preparing some heart tissue for analysis to see whether heart muscle cells are ever renewed.
Meanwhile, a group at the University of California, Davis, led by Krishnan Nambiar, is using Frisén’s method to investigate the lens of the eye. Cells in the transparent inner part of the lens form five weeks into embryonic life and stay with you for life. New cells are generated from the periphery, where they build up and make the lens thicker and less flexible with age, sometimes leading to cataracts. “If we could learn more about the turnover of cells in the lens, we could perhaps learn how to delay the onset of cataracts for five years and make tremendous savings in the health budget,” explains Bruce Buchholz at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who uses atomic mass spectrometry to carry out the carbon-14 analysis of Nambiar and Frisén’s samples.
 It is clear, then, that a large proportion of your body is significantly younger than you are, and that raises a paradox. If your skin, for example, is so young, why don’t you retain a smooth complexion even into old age? Why can’t a 60-year-old woman, with her youthful muscle cells, flick-flack across the floor with the acrobatic agility of a 10-year-old girl?
The answer lies with mitochondrial DNA. This accumulates mutations at a faster rate than DNA in the nucleus. As soon as you are born, your mitochondria start taking hits – and there is nothing much you can do about it. So while your cells may be only a third as old as you are, the snag is that your mitochondria are the same age. In skin, for instance, mitochondrial mutations are thought to be responsible for the gradual loss in the quality of collagen, the skin’s scaffolding, which is why skin loses its shape and forms wrinkles.
 There is good news, however. If we ever find ways to protect or repair mitochondrial DNA – and there are many ideas for how to do so – the discovery that most of our cells are younger than we are means that we could significantly delay ageing. Perhaps in the future people really will struggle to answer the question “How old are you?”
written by Gaia Vince

Oct 23, 2010

Life as a Raw-Vegan Individual~

Would you believe that I'm now in Portland, OR?! Throughout the year of 2010, I have been asked or told that others have wondered where the heck is Alynn?! I shall give you a time line of my whereabouts...

December 8, 2009 - Palm Harbor, FL

February - Two different trips to Everglades National Park and Fort Lauderdale, FL

June 28 - Stayed in Lutz, FL for nearly a month

July 22 - Flew to Columbus, OH

August 18 - Took the train from Columbus, OH to Newburgh, NY

August 21st & 22nd - Joined Davis Clan to Riverton, NJ to celebrate Aunt Jo's 75th Birthday

August 26 - Took the Bus back to Columbus, OH

September 25 - Flew back to Lutz, FL

October 2 - Flew to AZ, visited friends, celebrated life, explored the gorgeous state of Red Rocks

October 16 - with a dear friend, drove to Irvine, CA

October 18 - Drove to Walnut Creek, CA

October 22 - Drove to Portland, OR

October 25 - We will leave here after a couple of days of restoring our energies, rejuvenating our minds, physical bodies and soul. Seeing the mountains is making my heart sing, soul dance, eyes glisten with stars! Ahhh... home sweet home! Home is where the heart is, yet my heart feels most content when it is connected with the majestic mountains!

Come November, I will be in Bay Area, California for 10 days...

Boy, do I ever really stay in one place for long?! It doesn't look like it during the course of this year!

Hmmmm.... I have gone off track from the title of this posting as I was supposed to narrate about my life as a Raw-Vegan Individual. What a whack! I guess my mind is elsewhere and my fingers are taking control, allowing my soul to say what it pleases thyself. As time comes, I will continue to elaborate on my life as such individual and perhaps, I'll be nice enough to share a recipe! Oh, dear... will I?!

~Personal Quotations~

As you can see, I LOVE quotes and sharing insights, philosophies, perspectives on life. How we live, how we evolve, how we transform, how we live our lives as an individual and as a community. Below are the quotes I have shared with the community on FB during this month of October and of course, I'm sharing it with you, my readers! 

~Personal Quotations~
10/23/10  -  Alynn Davis loves BIG ideas! The biggest ideas in life are often expressed in the fewest words. There's magic everywhere and you don't have to search for it. Each of us have the freedom to evolve and Alynn is evolving! Nothing would uplift or inspire us so much as the beauty and aspiration! Alynn is inspired to CELEBRATE!~

10/11/10 - Alynn Davisis LOVING this day!! She is thanking her friends for celebrating freakingishly AWESOME LIFE!! UNIVERSE - Thank you for your embraces by loving arms & by loving arms of Alynn's friends around her. Thank you for sending your love cosmically & wishing her wildest dreams come true. Her dream is HAPPENING!~ ♥

10/05/10 - Alynn Davis is amazed with astounding transformations through life! We say we want a world living in harmony. But do we really? We forget that the macro is simply the micro magnified, that what we see in the outer world is a pure reflection of the inner. We want to have love and peace, but the question is: Are we willing to BE love and peace? I know I AM!~ ♥

Oct 11, 2010

Life of Transformations...~

Would you believe today is the day that I have floated on Earth around the majestic sun?! I'm LOVING this day!! Raw Dazzle, Noelle Shaffer Stanley (My Body Balanced), & BS for celebrating freakingishly AWESOME LIFE!! UNIVERSE - Thank you for your embraces by loving arms & by loving arms of my friends around me. Thank you for sending your love cosmically & wishing her wildest dreams come true. My dream is HAPPENING!~ ♥ NOW!!

This is an itsy, bitsy, tiny section of what will be in my book... It is a work in progress... a VISION TO HAPPEN!!~

My LIFE - Life of Transformations~
This month, seven (7) years ago was the mark in life, a period of changes, a step toward to many great transformations. Seven years ago, on October 13th, along with a dear girlfriend of mine, we jumped on the train to 100% Raw-Vegan Lifestyle (departing from our previous lifestyles) with the snap of our fingers.

Through the days, months, years, experiences of many great awakenings dawned on my soul. My ever growing mind have expanded with knowledge, wisdom, basking in the teaching from life and others. The physical self was and still is experiencing the life of a beautiful, slim chameleon. Also,

My emotional well-being...

My inner-being, my soul, my heart...

The life of a dragonfly...

Forgive me, peepers! I have long neglected this blog/website/line for oh, so long! What a whirlwind this summer had been! Funfilled... Fullfilled... FULL of adventures! Life is so full of many things that cyber world was on the very bottom of the list of priorities and I know many of you have been wondering... What the heck is happening! Oppsie! 

Well, I'm here and I'm hoping to write more frequently, to give you some spice on this site! Let your eyes sway with the dance of my words! 

Hmmm... you may be LUCKY... To have a peek of my recipes that may or may not be in my books that I aim to have publish but I may have to keep you in suspense. Uhhh... should I? Ahh.. Time will tell! Not to worry... It is bound to happen!

Yeah, I'm aware that I may not be making sense but at least the words are clacking away and you know that I'm still here! 

Off to snuggle under those blankets and close my eyes for that dire needed sexy, beauty sleep!~

Oct 5, 2010

Nimli - Raw Bags Bamboo Handbag

This is somthing I gotta have!! One day soon!!

Nimli - Raw Bags Bamboo Handbag

Be sure to check it out, kiddos!~

Jul 17, 2010

Act NOW!~ (Posted by Tree of Life)

In this issue
Congress Bill S 510

What's Coming
Reversing Diabetes Naturally

Gabriel on Tour

The Most Dangerous Bill in the History of the U.S.?
A most dire bill is up before the U.S. Senate currently. 
We are calling you to respond to this with the force of your intentions and actions.  S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010,  may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. 
According to Dr. Shiv Chopra, “If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes.  It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” 
It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food."

Please write your State Senators today by clicking here.

Click here for more information on Bill S 510.
Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
Patagonia, Arizona

Jul 1, 2010


~From my heart to yours~

Jun 24, 2010

Facts on Food Labeling~

[Some parts below pasted from Bonnie Bucqueroux's Sustainable blog]
GMO, as you probably know, refers to Genetically Modified Organisms, known in Europe as Frankenfoods because of fears that mad scientists may be unwittingly or uncaringly unleashing true monsters upon us.

Concerning food labeling, the issue is whether you can tell how the fruits and veggies for sale at the local grocery store were raised by deciphering the codes, and the answer is a resounding maybe. Here is the key as certified by the International Federation for Food Standards (note that the wording is mine, not theirs):

Four-digit code - A conventionally grown crop. Conventional could mean that the foodstuff has been repeatedly doused with one poison or another -- or not. But at least its genes should not have been artificially altered (though one wonders how many food execs are doing hard time in stir for violating the rules).

Five-digit code starting with the number 9 - Organically grown in compliance with the USDA standards.

Five-digit code starting with the number 8 - GMO foods. (Why didn't they just use 666?)

• Restricted FOR use on products grown in North America, East only (meaning these are codes that were originally assigned as East and were used on specific products grown East of the Mississippi in the United States and East of the Ontario/Manitoba border in Canada. These codes only apply in North America and should continue to be used for those specific products):
4318 – Melon, Cantaloupe/Muskmelon, Small
4319 – Melon, Cantaloupe/Muskmelon, Large

• Restricted FROM use on products grown in North America (meaning these are codes that were originally assigned for a specific region outside of North America and, although are now considered Global, are, for various reasons, impossible to incorporate in the North American market. The recommendation is to only use these codes for items grown and/ or sold outside of North America):
3425 – Tangerines/Mandarins, Ellendale, Small
3426 – Tangerines/Mandarins, Ellendale, Medium
3427 – Tangerines/Mandarins, Ellendale, Large

But before you think you can rely on the fact that foods without the dreaded "8" are not Frankenfoods, you should know that the labeling system in the United States is voluntary. And that means growers who want you to know they are doing good things - basically, the organic folks - are probably quick to slap a "9" on that rutabaga you are scrutinizing.

But I suspect only a truly dumb Frankenfood producer would be likely to warn you off with an "8" on that great-looking tomato. (The logic seems impeccable: "What they don't know might hurt them someday, but telling them would hurt our sales today.")

Jun 7, 2010

Quirky Self~

Quirks... Don't we all have one? 

I have to tell you this! You will laugh your pretty arse off! Two nights ago, knowing how organized I am and how anal I like to keep my space clean, clutter-free, I had do what I had to do. Few days ago, I bought a few large glass jars to be able to store my bulk of superfoods and I had a few empty ones sitting on the counter, waiting to see if there is a usage for it. There is but in no time. Well, since I had 3 left and I wasn't planning to order what I need/want until I can afford to pay for them. That evening, after coming home late (12:30am!!!), the excitement got the best of me. Knowing myself, I wouldn't be able to sleep, thinking that I need to take care of this and that and the jars! So, I went on the computer to do some work and then at 1:45am, I was in the kitchen, rearranging my cabinets, clearing up the space. Adam walked through the kitchen at 2am, while I was doing this, and he was shaking his head, not believing what I was doing, how quirky I can be, and was amazed how similar Karen & I are (because she would do the same thing!)! He was like, couldn't you go to sleep and take care of it in the morning? I shook my head. Having things in its rightful place, feeling clutter-free, I felt contented and went to bed. The minute I hit the pillow, I was out like a light! The next morning, the three of us cracked up laughing about this! At least it is entertaining and spices up others' lives with our quirks!

What are your quirks?~

Jun 6, 2010

Believers vs Religious~

Of late, I have been carrying conversations with close-ones, loved ones, and some thoughts/feelings have been popping up. I may be philosophical, analytical, researcher, explorer, but it helps me understand myself and the world in many ways. If this is too philosophical, too much for you to take in, or not of your interests, you can hop on over to someone else's blog and have fun there!

I was doing my daily workout yesterday morning and a thought came to mind. "Believers vs Religious". Don't take me wrong. I have respect for those who are part of a religious group or partake/practice their religion and I honor them because it is who they are and what they want/need.

People can’t have religious “believes”; they have religious beliefs. If you have it, it’s a belief; if you do it, you believe. 
Instead of focusing on the actual beliefs, which are not themselves choices, it can be more important and more productive to focus instead on how a person has arrived at their beliefs because that is the result of willful choices. 
People really want to understand the difference between religious and spiritual.Spirituality is something internal.Religion is something external. Religion is nothing but a set of structured systems and theories which induce the thinking of spirituality. It helps you to find the right questions to ask about yourself and find the appropriate answers about yourself.The difference between religion and spirituality is simply that most religions offer a specific set of beliefs and structures to help people to attune to their innate spirituality.The difference between religion and spirituality is in form only, for the true essence of all spiritual and religious practices is God. For being spiritual, you don't necessarily need to attach yourself with a religion. If you are spiritual person, you can see the truth in all religions. For example, you can enjoy the freshness of the whole flower instead of just smelling one petal.

Religion focuses on what pleases man. Being spiritual focuses on what pleases your HEART and SOUL. Religion involves emotions and externals while spirituality involves the whole being. Religion follows man's standards while spirituality follows your own beliefs, your own heart and soul. 

If we focus on allowing the source of truth in our heart to bring us together without judgment -- without proclamations of who is right and wrong -- we will be able to step into a 21st Century we might all envision that is truly inclusive of all.

I'm a spiritual believer... I BELIEVE in myself, in my heart, in my soul. I believe in living my life well because it takes care of my spirit. I may be "religious" about living in a healthy, living lifestyle. I may be "religious" about being eco-conscious. I may be "religious" about working out on a daily basis. I may be "religious" about what pleases me and that is part of who I am. 

Happiness & awakenings are not about having a hubby, nice cars, nice home, money, success, etc. How do you value yourself? I know how I VALUE MYSELF. I LOVE myself and this is who I am!~ What are your beliefs? What are you religious about? 

Didn't I warn you? Is this philosophical enough for you or what? *grins*

May 28, 2010

Soon, babay, soon!~

Be Prepared to be RAWKED!~

Opening 2nd week of June 2010!!

Rawk Star Cafe
32522 US Hwy 19N
Palm Harbor, FL 34684

Eat Like a “Rawk” Star

Come in a check out our Raw-to-Go selection of conveniently pre-packaged Organic RAW-VEGAN Food Items …for ANY time of the day! We also have Hand-Crafted Raw Chocolates, Desserts and Snacks…ALL freshly made in house!! We make GOING GREEN easy …from the inside out!!
I'm PROUD of them and honored to be part of this shining moment! We will RAWK you!!~
Let's RAWK on!~

May 21, 2010

Personal Quotation of the Day~

I love life! When you throw in an idea into a storm, a lightening strikes! Be on the lookout!~

May 12, 2010

Tentative "RAW on the Road" Trip~


What a busy month I have planned! Of course, this is tentative... Yet, it is EXCITING! Once this becomes concrete, more details of these events will be posted! Be on the lookout! YEOWZA!

2 Staci & Alynn Departs to De Soto Nat'l Forest - Camp overnight

3 Drive to Austin, TX - spend the night

        DWU Workshop, Austin "RAW on the Road"

4 DWU Workshop, Austin "RAW on the Road"

5 Drive to Albuquerque, NM

        Spend the night at Heather's

6 Drive to Flagstaff, AZ - Camp overnight

7 Explore Sedona - Arrive in Phoenix

8 Hike @ Pinnacle Peak w/ Clare

        Dinner Gathering w/ Sigma Sistas

9 Drop Staci off @ Airport

        Afternoon/Evening w/ April & Dimi

10    Hiking and day/evening with Noelle & the girls

11 Birthday Gathering

13 Day/Evening with BSL - 7 yrs Anniv.

17 BSL & Alynn Departs to Riverside, CA - spend the night

18 Drive to SF

19 DWU Workshop, SF "RAW on the Road"

20 K10 - Workshop? Walnut Creek "RAW on the Road"

21 Drive to Eugene or Salem, OR

22 DWU Workshop, Salem "RAW on the Road"

23 Drive to Portland, OR

24 DWU Workshop, Portland "RAW on the Road" 

25 Drive to Puyallup, WA ~ Home Sweet Home

26 DWU Workshop, Seattle "RAW on the Road"

May 3, 2010

 Doesn't this look yummy?! Just SCRUMPTIOUS! We created a recipe, tested to see how it would look... Voila! Here's our Raw-Vegan Enchilada! Only, of course, the filling will be different. This was our test and... Mission Accomplished!~
What?! You think I would tell you what it is made with?! Nuh huh! Not until the book is published, once I relocate to the Northwest, where the mountains are calling me, and get down to the nitty-gritty!~ Ohhhhh, the suspense!~ *cackling*~


I am enchanted... With the right attitude, you can find your balance~ You cannot win the minds and heart, you must embrace them~ Breathe and love living life~ Life is GOOD!~

The better we treat our bodies, the easier job they have to maintain this optimal healthy balance, which results in a longer life, more health and vigor. 

Hormone imbalances, diet/lifestyle, deficiencies, stress and more. These are all symptoms of a body that is out of balance.
The weather is taken a turn to give us a downpour, which is the first I have experienced since I moved here. Yes, we have had rain here and there but not this kind of downpour along with heavy thunders. Hmmm, it kinda fits the mood and it reminds me how we need to balance ourselves. Thanks Mother Earth for balancing our ecosystem even though the human race has a tendency to screw it all up from time to time.
The solstices and equinoxes embody the rhythm of transition. As the midpoint of 2 seasons, the time of transition is governed by a balancebetween opposing forces, holding both the past and the future in the present moment. 
A day in life, finding balance, embark on your life's journey is to live in harmony with your body, mind, soul, and all that is around you. You are given a life to live in this lifetime.~
Yeah... I'm not focusing on one specific areas in life and just throwing random thoughts here and there. That is how my brain works! At least it is focused on one topic - Balance...~
Come Fall Season, once I'm settled in my new location, it is determined for me to play in the kitchen and watch those taste buds dance! Be on the lookout!~ I know some of you are itching to learn more about my recipes... but... shouldn't you wait and see if I will write a book? Hmm... Time will tell!~

Apr 28, 2010

Davis Clan~

The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

"If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people."
- Thich Nhat Hanh

Our parents taught us love and how to love...

In this human form, we tend to focus on what we can see. It sure seems as if we are separate from each other and our environment. Yet many of us have had momentary glimpses of another reality, one in which we are all interconnected through the One Spirit that animates all life, and it cloaks us in abundance, beauty and divine love. This view of life feels more real to us. It also feels good because it evokes love, compassion and awe, emotions that are directly linked to our wellbeing. 

Happiness and Loving Parents are sources of positive energy. 

I love these quotes...
We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.
-- Henry Ward Beecher

There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.
-- Henry Ward Beecher

Thank you, Mom and Dad, for loving us and for teaching us how to love. Thank you for all that you have done and thank you for allowing us to become who we are today. You are ALWAYS LOVED! <3 ~

Apr 27, 2010


I just had a spirited weekend, filled with zest and just so zippy with a wonderful zany girlfriend of mine, Tiff! Tiff, you RAWK! I must say, I'm feeling rejuvenated after a fun-filled, spectacular weekend visiting Tiff in Fort Lauderdale! Pretty much, we spent quality time together, chit-chatting, playing in the kitchen, enjoying the views from her 16th floor condo, eating such divine and amazing meals, and more chit-chatting! Tiff, THANK you for all that you have done and you're the best! 

While I was there, Tiff and I shared our thoughts, poured our feelings, opened our perspectives, and more! Pretty much, we opened our hearts and exposed our souls to one another, allowing us to open our eyes and mind. It helped to see things from different views, and to receive objective views of all this.

I'm inspired and grateful when one wants to work as a team. That is one of the most important aspect in life. I believe working in harmony, being open and honest with each other and expressive. On my end, OPEN COMMUNICATION is VERY IMPERATIVE to me! Things will work smoothly if communication is freely open. Yes, I'm guilty for not being open at times, facing my fears, stepping over some hurdles but of late, I'm mustering up to do I must do!

Surrounding yourself with harmony is classic way of increasing income and wealth, used for centuries in a variety of different systems. It is also said harmony calms aggression and resentment while increasing self-esteem and self-confidence, and to enhance one's compassion, patience and forgiveness. It is said to enhance your capacity to love others and yourself.

Meditation, prayer, rituals, and ceremonies for healing and living in harmony with nature and the ecology raise our own consciousness and the consciousness of the earth; going for walks and spending time in nature deepen our relationship with nature; and reading books and studying topics on ecology and sustainability give us knowledge about nature and ways to live in harmony with her; but if we do not do anything to heal the earth on the physical plain all our ideals remain in our head and they do not have the force of action. Ideal and action remain separate and we remain separate and alienated from ourselves and nature.

We say we want a world living in harmony. But do we really? We forget that the macro is simply the micro magnified, that what we see in the outer world is a pure reflection of the inner. We want to have love and peace, but the question is: Are we willing to BE love and peace?

Since we cannot have what we are unwilling to become, social change is not possible without personal transformation. What is our deepest intent?
- Deborah L. Johnson, from her book Your Deepest Intent

I have a love of balance and harmony that extends to your treatment of interpersonal relationships. One move is not better than the other. Nature's harmony is around us and within us at all times.

When we communicate in sign language... May our hands fly in beautiful harmony and I wanna fly with you in spirit! 

Have I ever experienced astral plane or astral projecting? Well, many people have different definitions so I would need to know what is your definition then I can tell you my answer. If you mean out of body experience, yes. If you mean becoming more "conscious", stepping out of the physical plane, I think so. I don't know how to explain it in words. I do know this... I can sense other people's vibrations/vibes and if I'm at the right time, mood, and place, I could sense people's color. Some would think I'm too observant. I think I'm just being observant of our life and the way we live.~